Hi! I'm Nicole!

I bring more than 10 years of experience to my wedding planning business, and love to share free advice in the form of this blog. Grab a cup of coffee (or café, as we say in French), and take a look around!


Not sure where to start with planning your wedding? Download our FREE budget template.

Choosing your wedding venue will undoubtedly be one of the biggest wedding planning decisions you’ll make.  The venue you pick will set the tone for the wedding.  It will determine the location and type of tailored French experience you wish to offer guests and it will stand out in your guests memories for years to come.   You’ll need […]


Choosing Your French Wedding Venue

November 3, 2020

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It’s Wednesday!  For those of you who aren’t aware, Wednesdays are Kids Day here in France.  Children don’t have school and most parents take the day off to run their children back and forth to their different activities.  I myself currently handle the Parent Association, music lessons and soccer practice on Wednesdays…a light load! So what […]


What should we do about the kids?

May 13, 2020

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Guillemette & Gullaume married in Sauternes mid-June in a fantastic event filled with family and friends.  They contacted me just 2 months before the big day for full planning and coordination! A great last minute wedding in a beautiful setting, excellent food and entertainment and guests from all over!  Proof that couples amazing weddings can […]


Real Weddings: Guillemette & Guillame: Pure Expression Events Wedding Planner

January 29, 2014

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